DAN Form – 2

The District Activity Notification Form (DAN) 

The new DAN Form for Adventurous Activities. The new DAN form is designed to notify district and support groups and sections undertaking activities that are deemed to be high-risk. 

What’s it all about  

To make life easier we have produced a form so that you can notify the DC of specific activities in the same way as the NAN form works. If the activity you are organising is one of the ones listed on the form, you need to complete it and send it to notify@thameschilternscouts.org  

If you are already completing a NAN form, you do not need to complete the DAN form. For all other activities the DC has delegated the activity approval to the GSLs and no further reporting action is required by the District. A DAN form is required if an activity meets one of the following criteria: 

  1. Is outside the District  
  2. Requires an Adventurous Activity Permit (unless it is held on scout premises using an adult with a scouting permit). 
  3. Is an activity with more than 50 attendees.  
  4. Is close to water.  
  5. All adult only event.  
  6. Events with 100 attendees require approval  

All leaders wishing to apply for either an initial or renewal for a nights away permit are to complete the nights away application form (insert link) 

PURPOSE AND USE: This form provides the information a Commissioner (or their nominee) requires to be NOTIFIED of (and or)
APPROVE an activity to take place (i.e. POR 9.1b or 9.1c). The Section Leader or Explorer Scout Leader is responsible for ensuring
the appropriate Commissioner is informed about each group or section attending an activity which meets one of the following
criteria (even if it is a District or County event):

  1. Is outside the District.
  2. Requires an adventurous activity permit (unless it is held on Scout premises using an adult with a Scouting permit).
  3. Is an activity with more than 50 attendees.
  4. Is close to water
  5. All adult only events.

For all activities the information below should be with your Commissioner (or their nominee) at least 7 days before the activity (in
normal circumstances). Please ensure your Group Scout Leader / District Explorer Scout Commissioner is aware of the activity.

DATA PROTECTION: This form is used to collect information about you and your team for the purpose of approving this activity,
this is to be used by your Commissioner. As part of this form, we collect personal data about you and your team, this detail is
required so that we can check that everyone meets the membership and vetting requirements for the activity and that appropriate
permit holders are in place if required. We do not share your personal data provided in this form with any third parties. We take
your personal data privacy seriously. The data you provide to us is securely stored (based on local arrangements) and we will keep
the data we capture from this form for 2 months after the event for any queries that arise then it will be securely destroyed. For
further detail on our retention periods please visit our Data Protection Policy.

Activity information

Activity Leadership Information

Is the activity Scout led? *
Names of all adult members attending (with membership numbers) as well as the number of other adults e.g. parents, guardians etc.
Is a permit required for this activity? *
Please list activities requiring permits or qualifications (including any planned contingency activities) providing details of the activity leader or provider i.e. names of individuals or businesses / organisations providing the activities (POR 9.9)

Planning and preparation

As part of the planning and preparation for the activity the following documentation should be in place: programmes, attendance information, medical and emergency contact information for attendees, InTouch system and written risk assessments. You must provide a written risk assessment along with this form to your Commissioner (or their nominee). Other documentation (listed above) does not need to be provided with this form but must be available on request

please provide details of your InTouch system and the main contacts in the event of an emergency